Friday, 11 March 2016

Salut à tous ! Le post d'aujourd'hui porte sur la lingerie et tout particulièrement sur la marque Feiminn (@_feiminn). 
Après la vague romantique du mois de février, j'ai reçu deux magnifiques soutiens-gorge "triangles".  Confortables et sexy, tout en dentelle, noir profond et délicats, ils épousent parfaitement les formes du corps et sont presque invisibles sous les vêtements. Comme vous le savez certainement déjà, le confort est ce qui qualifie au mieux mon style, il est donc pour moi primordial de me sentir bien dans ce que je porte. Je recommande la marque à toutes celles qui souhaite habiller de feiminnitéles cols en V et autres cardigans à mailles. 

Trouvez votre compagnon idéal ici 
A bientôt, xoxo 


Saturday, 5 March 2016

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If you follow me on Instagram (@mila_fashionrocks), you probably know I have a pretty big obsession with all kinds of bralettes. If I see one I don`t already own, I`ll get it. This one was no exception.
bralette via FEIMINN

SHARING: I've Got Those Monday Blues by Carelle

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Carelle - Feiminn
Ahh Monday, we meet again! When I was prepping this post last night, I had that dreaded Sunday evening feeling, knowing that the Monday blues were looming. But I think I must have woken up on the right side of bed this morning because I'm in such a good mood. The weather is crappy and I have had my horrid Monday morning meeting that I dread every week but I am still smiling.  With one week til I'm 25 (and some days off work in view) I decided this week would be a good week. The key point = I DECIDED! Think there's some value behind all those inspirational quotes and speeches that remind us that we are in charge of our own happiness. Well that and I finally cleared a level of Candy Crush that I have been stuck on for over a month now...from that point I knew it was gonna be a good day haha. And I made delicious peanut butter and banana smoothie for breakfast this morning. It's the little things in life, am I right?
Anyway, I took these photos in Ibiza in what was a ma-hoo-sive bed. It was our last day so I was clearly thrilled to get out that comfy bed to pack and come back home to reality. Parallel to a Monday blues mood really so here we are. I'm wearing my gorgeous bralette from Feiminn! So smitten with it and now they have it in white too! Is it bad that I want that one too? You can make inquires with them on their Facebook page. Speak soon xo

*Title from "Goodmorning Heartache" by Billie Holiday

SHARING: Carelle x Feiminn

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

The Sexy Little Things You Wear


I had such a fun day yesterday shooting with Feiminn in North London. They contacted me about collaborating together and seeing as we were in the same city, why not do a shoot together. As such, it was just an informal thing, didn't take too long and they made me feel so comfortable shooting in a bralette, leaving it up to me with how much skin I wanted to show. And then to top it all off I was gifted with this gorgeous bralette named "Flowerbomb". I'm in love! The fact that it's really dramatic but also covers up a lot around the boob area means that it is something that could easily go on show with outfits. I'm thinking buttoned down shirts, low cut tshirts or side cut out tops. Perfect for summer right? And of course, could be used for  private settings too, if you catch my drift eh, haha. There are also more exhibitionist versions available if you fancy. See here
Can't wait to show you the final pictures, think they turned out good so hopefully I can get them up soon. Also off topic, I completely forgot I had that Victoria Secret's perfume. I've always loved the bottle but forgot how nice the scent is too. Very sweet though so do use with caution. Anyhoo, back to Orange is the New Black I go (I've become hooked over the weekend...I'm always late with these things lol). TTFN xo  
*Title from "So Fly" by Domino